Lawrence E. Wilson, President/CEO
Lawrence is a thirteen year U.S. Air Force Vietnam (Thailand) Veteran. He had served in Texas, California, Montana, and Hawaii. His last assignment as a "Cost Accounting Manager"for the Air Force's "Maintenance Cost Accounting System" (Aircraft Systems) in Hawaii, proved to be his future career.
From 1979 to 1999, Lawrence was employed by ReMi Foods (Div. of A.E. Staley) and Acme Contiental Foods through the late 80's in the Chicago area. In 1990, his family relocated to Dallas, working as an accountant and cost accountant for various employers throughout the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex.
In 1999 he established "Wilson Unlimited Partners" to offer Merchant Banking Services (Credit Card and Check Processing) to the small and mid-size retail and merchant business community.
However, the economic downturn in 2000 and 9/11/01 changed significantly the business landscape in the United States. Business owners had to find new ways to operate their businesses while still dealing with the threat of terrorism. If this was not enough, the "Wave of Identity Theft" was threating the financial stability of both business owner and consumer.
In 2003, he formed Wilson Unlimited Partners, LLC and incorporated both "Identity Theft" and Financial Fraud" to our focus. In 2004, we added "Identity Theft Victims of North Texas" to combat the growing threat of "Identity Theft to the business owners in North Texas. In 2005, we streached our wings and formed "Identity Theft Victims Support Group of North America". We added another company in 2006 to coincide with our web site identification, "Identity Theft Victims, US.
We have teamed up with the Federal Trade Commission and Consumer Union to better serve the needs of the American Business Owner and the American Consumer
Our Business Motto's:
WUP LLC Motto: God Provides The Compass To Your Destination".
ID Theft Motto: "Identity Theft Is No Longer Someone Else's Problem, It Is Everyone's Problem".
ID Theft Motto: "Identity Theft Is A Federal Crime, Not A Short-Cut To The American Dream".