1. Welcome - This is our web site welcome page. We have twelve (12) Main Menu Pages with forty-two (42) Sub-Menu Pages. This does not include the Website Quick Links Page.
We have added two video's furnished by the Federal Trade Commission entitled, " When Bad Things Happen To Your Good Name" and "Deter, Detect and Defend" (English Version). We will be adding a Spanish Version of this video shortly.
On this page is our "New Web Site Updates". We have added a "ID Theft Message Board" and a fully redesigned "ID Theft Catalog Store".
3. Credit Freeze - 50 States - Go here if you are a "Victim of Identity Theft" and someone has opened up credit cards, car loans, or lines-of-credit in your name by accessing your credit files at Experian, Equifax or TransUnion credit bureaus.
4. Children ID Theft - “Identity Thieves” have now found a new supply source to exploit others, in “America’s Number One Crime, Identity Theft”.According to CBS’s consumer correspondent Susan Koeppen of “The Early Show”, “Children are perfect targets because they have clean credit histories and thieves can get away with the crime for years, since kids and their parents rarely check the kids’ credit reports”.
9. ID Theft Seminars- Look here for times, locations, and dates of upcoming events in your area. Awareness and Prevention seminars are usually held on Friday Evenings from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. These seminars are for both victims and non-victims. If you have already become a "Victim of Identity Theft" and are planning to attend one of the "Identity Theft Workshops" , it is highly recommended that you also attend the "Prevention Seminars". This will give you the preparation tools necessary to help you recover from "Identity Theft" and also help you from becoming a victim again.
11. ID Theft Awareness Guides - We have developed "ID Theft Awareness Guides for nine (9) different types or classes of consumers. These classes help identify major characteristics of how shopping habits, gender, age and choice of vocation, plays an important part in determining why some groups are a larger target by "Identity Thieves".
Website Links
2. Home Page - Go to this page to see information on:
A. Petition for Federal Law regarding the "Credit 911 Medical Relief Bill". B. ID Theft Consumer Alert Box - Re-Launch for "Children's Identity Theft Protection Security Act of 2009". C. National Freeze Law Updates. D. Texas Freeze Law Updates for Texas Consumers. Also Texas Seminars and Workshops. Activation of North Texas ID Theft Support Group. E. Identity Theft Realities. If you have a social security card, drivers license.......... F. Disclaimer and discloser on all web site links of Wilson Unlimited Partners, LLC.
Senate Bill SB222 was introduced and sponsored in 2007 by State Senator Rodney Ellis of Houston, Texas. With Texas climbing to number four (4) in the number of "Victims of Identity Theft" in the U.S. and with three of their major cities in the top ten (See Chart, Bottom of Page), Austin needed to do something.
This web page will be the site for our sign-up blog for our national effort to get two federal laws passed concerning the "Children's Identity Theft Protection Security Act of 2009". One is for the child's law and the other law will be a revision of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to set forth procedures for processing SSN information for verification purposes.
9A. Seminar Schedule - Schedule of Awareness Seminars for North Texas 9B. Southwest Seminars - Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana 9C. Southeast Seminars - Our schedule will include Florida 9D. Midwest Seminars - Not Active 9E. Northeast Seminars - Not Active 9F. Northwest Seminars - Not Active 9G. West Coast Seminars - Not Active
3B. Tx Freeze Law Seminars - Our organization is conducting “Special Identity Theft Awareness and Prevention Seminars in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex during 2009.
We will have step by step procedures on how to safeguard you financial documents, passwords (both credit cards and on-line) and other important documents most take for granted until they are not there.
5. Illegal Immigration Issue Depending on which report you read, there are between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens living in the United States. Independent research has determined that U.S. government figures are grossly understated. The 2000 U.S. Census estimates that more than 400,000 illegal aliens annually cross our borders. Independent studies estimate 500,000 annually.
8. ID Theft Catalog Store - This web page has links to our shopping cart. More details will be added for this page.
10. ID Theft Partnerships - Identity Theft Victims Support Group of North America members are American citizens and residents from all backgrounds and political affiliations. Our members are people who care about our country and are deeply concerned about the decisions being made in Washington concerning "Identity Theft". Special interest groups have put their financial interest ahead of the interest of the American people. They have jeopordized the financial integerity and safety of the "American Financial Systems".
12. Press Release - As of July 1, 2005, Louisiana consumers can place a security freeze on their credit report. This new law will give consumers more control over who has access to their credit report, thus helping to reduce the risk of identity theft.
† Copyright 2003-2013, Wilson Unlimited Partners, L.L.C. All rights reserved†
You can send your ID Theft Victim Stories to : Identity Theft Victims U.S., Attention: Victim Stories, P.O. Box 2723, Wylie, TX. 75098-2723