This is a special feature we have added to our web site to help the "American Consumer" be aware of how their daily actions can increase or decrease their chances of becoming a "Victim of Identity Theft". We will add awareness and prevention tips throughout 2009 to this site page. So please come back to get the latest updates. I hope you like this new feature. Please send comments via E-Mail on this enhancement to:
The year 2008 is finally over. We survived Thanksgiving, Christmas and the start of a new year, 2009. This year is different because 2008 ended with a severe financial train wreck created by Wall Street and the politicians (Congress) in Washington D.C.
Now we must face the challenges of everyday living, where "Identity Theft" is one of the major problems facing "America's Main Street". According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) the "2006 Identity Theft Survey Report" (dated Nov 2007), seventy-four percent (74%) of all "Identity Theft Victims" never filed a police report. What is even more surprising, only seven percent (7.0%) of all "Identity Theft Victims" placed fraud alerts and seven percent (7.0%) of this same group "Froze Their Credit Bureau Files" (Credit Bureau Freeze procedure is now available in all 50 states). Please go to our web page, "Credit Freeze - 50 States" to see how you can protect yourself by freezing your credit bureau files (all state laws are not the same, see state list).
† Copyright 2003-2013, Wilson Unlimited Partners, L.L.C. All rights reserved†
You can send your ID Theft Victim Stories to : Identity Theft Victims U.S., Attention: Victim Stories, P.O. Box 2723, Wylie, TX. 75098-2723