Due to the extraordinary changes in the economic environment and the latest 2008 data concerning "Identity Theft" in America, we have decided to change our focus concerning how we deal with "Identity Theft.
Since 1999, the governing establishments of the federal government, financial institutions, credit card companies, and the national credit bureaus has approached "Identity Theft" primarily from a "Reactive Stance" (after-theft).
The United State of America can no longer afford to have eight (8) to ten (10) million of its citizens and residents go through the agonizing financial uncertainty of what "Identity Theft" robs from its victims. We can no longer afford to absorb the staggering $40 to $50 Billion a year in losses by our citizens, business merchants and companies.
Identity theft losses for 2008 versus 2007 went up dramatically. We had a 22.0% (percent) increase in victims and dollars. One out of twenty-three hard working Americans, became victims. We had a total of 9.9 million "Victims of Identity Theft" in 2008. We had $48 billion dollars in losses. We also had a 46.0% increase in the number of "Security Breaches" (number of individual financial records) last year. The most startling change was in the demographics of "Identity Theft". Since 1999, the 18-34 year old age group made up the largest majority of victims. However, in 2008 the majority of victims were in the 35-44 year old age group. We have also seen an increase in the number of victims in the senior citizen group (65 and over). Have they become an easier target for "Identity Thieves"? Yes! Therefore, our organization is excited and proud to introduce a new and bold approach to fighting "Identity Theft" in America. We are launching the first ever, full scale "Proactive Approach" (before you become a victim) attack against "Identity Theft", on a national basis.
† Copyright 2003-2013, Wilson Unlimited Partners, L.L.C. All rights reserved†
You can send your ID Theft Victim Stories to : Identity Theft Victims U.S., Attention: Victim Stories, P.O. Box 2723, Wylie, TX. 75098-2723