A number of credit card companies now issue credit cards with embedded RFIDs (radio frequency ID tags), with promises of enhanced security and speedy transactions.
But on today's episode of Boing Boing tv, hacker and inventor Pablos Holman shows Xeni how you can use about $8 worth of gear bought on eBay to read personal data from those credit cards -- cardholder name, credit card number, and whatever else your bank embeds in this manner.
Fears over data leaks from RFID-enabled cards aren't new, and some argue they're overblown -- but this demo shows just how cheap and easy the "sniffing" can be.
This episode is part of our ongoing series of interviews with some of the thinkers, hackers, and tinkerers at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology conference this year (Source: Xeni Jardin, Boing Boing TV, April 9, 2008 via You Tube, directly quoted from news story, February 1, 2012).
We present America's No. 1 most comprehensive "ID Theft Awareness and Educational Seminars" and "ID Theft Victims Recovery Workshops" in the country. By attending these scheduled seminars and workshops in your city, you will be helping us to reach other victims and non-victims all across North America.
When you shop on-line and buy our products, your purchases allow us to continue to offer our 'Identity Theft Recovery Workshop" to 'Victims of Identity Theft' for 'FREE'.
Thank you and God Bless America.
BUY ME BUTTON - PRICE $49.95 (Click on Buy Me Button To Shopping Cart) For Mini Reminder Guard For Children Safety.
BUY ME BUTTON - PRICE $19.95 (Click on Buy Me Button To Shopping Cart) For Scanner Guard Card.
Scanner Guard Card - Click on Picture to see Video
What is the Scanner Guard Card
The Scanner Guard Card is the size of a credit card that is designed to protect personal information stored on credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, RFID driver's licenses and any other RFID Cards from e-pickpocket thieves using handheld RFID scanners.
The Scanner Guard Card is half as thick as a standard credit card so it will not increase the size of your wallet. It is very flexible and durable.
The Scanner Guard Card is composed of a mixture of metals that disrupt the scanner from reading the RFID signals. There are outside and inside coatings of our patent pending metal mixture for protection of RFID personal information. This coating is not rigid, so the card is very flexible.
BUY ME BUTTON - PRICE $19.95 (Click on Buy Me Button To Shopping Cart).
How does the Scanner Guard Card Work?
The Scanner Guard Card is composed of a mixture of metals that disrupt the scanner from reading the RFID signals. There are outside and inside coatings of our patent pending metal mixture for protection of RFID personal information. This coating is not rigid, so the card is very flexible.
Wireless identity theft, also known as contact-less identity theft or RFID identity theft, is a form of identity theft described as "the act of compromising an individual's personal identifying information using wireless (radio frequency) mechanics. Basically, for around $40 a thief can purchase a RFID scanner, conceal it in a bag and when they walk past you they can scan your wallet or purse for credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, RFID driver’s licenses and any other RFID card.
Simply add two Scanner Guard Cards into a wallet, credit card holder or clip as shown in the pictures below to block all unwanted RFID Scanners. You want to sandwich your credit cards, debit cards and other RFID cards in between two Scanner Guard Cards.
We recommend that you only place up to 4 RFID cards in between your Scanner Guard Cards. If you have a stack of more then 4 RFID cards, then simply slip a single Scanner Guard Card in the middle of your stack. RFID cards are credit cards, debit cards, SmartCards, some driver's licenses and cards displaying the RFID logo.
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Proven To Work
The Scanner Guard Card System has gone through some of the most stringent testing possible. Utilizing a RFID scanner - Model: R50 with a radio frequency 13.56 MHz, we placed the Scanner Guard Cards inside a wallet and attempted to scan test credit cards. As you will see the RFID scanner was not able to scan the credit card data. Get 24 hour a day protection when you use the Scanner Guard Card System.
Identity Theft Strikes One Out of Three Families - Don't Become One of the Three!
Protect What's Important
Your Family and Your Family Members, Your Co-Workers, Your Business Associates, Your Business Partners. If your are a Business Owner, you want to protect your business and your employees.
The Federal Trade Commission estimates that as many as 10 to 12 million Americans - including up to 500,000 children - become victims of identity theft each year. With the Scanner Guard Card you have another line of defense against identity theft.
Contactless theft by using RFID scanners is one of the fastest growing forms of stealing yours and your family members personal and financial information. Now you can protect your wallet and purse for less then twenty dollars. What an amazing deal for peace of mind!!!
Protect Your Families Financial Security By Stopping "Scanner ID Theft Thieves"
The Pictures Below Represents Some of the "ID Theft Victims" and People Who Has Had a Profound Impact On Our National Support Group Since 2003.
† Copyright 2003-2013, Wilson Unlimited Partners, L.L.C. All rights reserved†
You can send your ID Theft Victim Stories to : Identity Theft Victims U.S., Attention: Victim Stories, P.O. Box 2723, Wylie, TX. 75098-2723