TEXAS IDENTITY THEFT FREEZE LAW PUTS THE FINANCIAL CONTROLS BACK INTO THE HANDS OF TEXAS CONSUMERS Amendment to SB222 Includes Special “15 Minute Thaw Provision” and “Creditor Specific Provision”, both accessible via Telephone.
Plano - All Texas consumers now have a way to protect access to their consumer credit bureau files.Effective September 1st, 2007, the new law allows all Texas consumers to “Freeze Their Credit Bureau Files”.What this means is, you freeze (lock up) your credit bureau report files and once your files are frozen, only you and your current creditors have access to your credit bureau files.Anyone trying to access your credit files without your knowledge will receive a code or notation that states, “Credit file frozen due to state legislation”.
This legislation also includes an amendment that allows Texas consumers who have frozen their credit files to temporarily unfreeze (Thaw Out or Re-Open) their credit files for a short period to gain access to credit (i.e., Cell Phone, Auto) via telephone.By using the freeze security codes provided by the credit bureaus and other identifying information to verify the identity of the caller, the credit bureaus must unfreeze your files within 15 minutes during normal business hours.Another provision that is included in this legislation allows the consumer the option to be creditor specific (i.e., Sprint PCS).In other words, only Sprint PCS can pull your credit file.Once they pull you credit file, it refreezes automatically.
Advocates of the law such as Consumer Union, say it will prevent thieves who have obtained a Social Security number or other personal data from using the information to open new lines of credit and sticking unsuspecting consumers with the bills.
This is just one news report of what can happen if you don’t freeze your credit bureau files.Unfortunately, this scene is repeated many times daily all across America. According to a NBC5i.com (Channel 5 News, Dallas, Texas) investigative report on February 17, 2005, it revealed a 30-day window in which criminals can work while the credit reporting system catches up to the illicit activity of fraudulent accounts. The victim this news report cited, had five home addresses and 33 credit cards created in her name within a three day span after her purse was stolen. The result of this theft left the victim with financial destruction.
Now, with the new “Freeze Law”, Texas consumers do not have to suffer the financial destruction this victim encountered.However, you must use the new law to stop this type of crime or face the same type of financial problems.
“Identity Theft” is still the nation’s number one white collar crime that leaves ten million victims in its wake every year. Texas consumers have been given the opportunity where they have control of their financial destiny, not “Identity Thieves”. You don't want to wait to become a victim of identify theft because the cost is too high.We're all subject to risks everyday but this is one risk that can be reduced significantly.
This is why the "American Consumer" needs the tools of this legislation to help prevent them from becoming a "Victim of Identity Theft".
“Identity Theft” can be drastically reduced when you have laws that give power back to the people.
The members of the TexasState 80th Legislature is to be highly commended for their dedication in passing Senate Bill 222 (SB222).What is even more remarkable, the combined vote in both the Texas Senate and the Texas House was 176-0.Their message was loud and clear to the “Identity Thieves”, “DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS”.
A special thanks to Senator Rodney Ellis of Houston for sponsoring and introducing this legislation for all Texas Consumers.
Since "Identity Theft” is a nation problem that needs a national fix, I consider the actions of the Texas State Legislature to be a mandate for our organization to carry this fight to WashingtonD.C.We have protected Texans from “Identity Thieves”, now its time to protect all Americans. God Bless America.